
We are complied by the following functions.

Child Labor: We do not employ or otherwise utilize child labor in their contracting, subcontracting or any other business relationship, to manufacture products for us.

Health and Medical safety: A safe and healthy workplace environment is provided by the factory and we prevent any potential health and safety incidents and work related injury or illness from occurring. Sunwe Footwear Ltd has a emergency medical unit with MBBS doctor and Professional Nurse. We supply free emergency medicines to the workers.

Working hours: We comply with Bangladesh Labor Law for working hours.

Remuneration: According to the government wage standard we pay the wages

Regular Fire & Safety Drill: Sunwe Footwear Ltd arranges regular fire drill and has a fire fighter unit of its own comprising with the workers from different sections.

Forced labor: No person in our factory is forced to work under the threat of punishment or retaliation.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining: We encourage all our staffs to form, join and organize trade unions and to bargain collectively on their behalf.

Childcare: We have childcare fully separated from the production facility.

Insurance Policy: We provide insurance benefits to all permanent workers.


Audits and Certifications

To know our Certification result please contact with us